As a middle school science teacher, Janneke sought to involve her students in place-based, real-world projects, but there was a problem. Unable to find a high-quality ecosystem unit that provided all the materials and met the high expectations of NGSS, she created one.
Jo has been working as a self-care educator for 21 years and holds an MS in Exercise Science and Physiology. Working in health care, fitness and education has shaped her communication as well as her desire to work in community with Black and Brown farmers and youth.
As a landscape architect dedicated to passing on a legacy of love and respect for our earth, Shannon helps schools provide students with greater access to nature. She assists in the creation of outdoor learning spaces, ecperiential hands-on activities and nature play.
Diana has 20 years of experience with habitat assessments, restoration projects and sustainable development. She has a deep understanding of Rhode Island’s natural resources, as well as the skills and training to guide young learners safely and effectively.
Forest School learning is a long-term child-centered process that happens naturally through play, exploration and supported risk taking. It promotes confidence and self-esteem through learner inspired, hands-on experiences in a natural setting.
With 14 years of teaching experience, Lindsey was recently certified as a Level 1 Forest School Assistance and K-12 reading specialist. She is focusing on language skills children need to understand texts in different disciplines.
Molly is a fourth-generation commercial fisherman, who shifted her career from fishing to advocating for all parts of the seafood industry. She oversees program initiatives, budget, grant proposals, collaborations and more.
Jordyn comes from a third-generation fishing family, worked as a deckhand and assisted in direct sales of their catch to the community. She manages the social media and newsletter for RI Seafood and works closely with local fishermen for features.
Alex's love for all things seafood comes from fishing on the Jersey Shore with his grandpa. He focuses on community engagement by representing the collaborative at local seafood festivals and farmers’ markets.
Few people realize how much the growing wireless technology sector contributes to carbon emissions, climate change and chronic health issues. There are many ways people can rewire their premises and rethink their technology use in order to reduce climate impact, health risks and illness.
Cece explains how she is building coalitions of citizens who act as advocates on a town-by-town basis to educate their neighbors and to work proactively with local governments, legislators and state agencies for safe, sustainable technology.
Invisible and unseen, electromagnetic frequency (EMF) radiation is increasingly impacting environmental sustainability, human health and safety. Read the Eco-DEtechTIVE Climate Report and learn about the E-LEPHANT in the Room.
Author Rachael L. McIntosh combines enthralling storytelling with an insider’s understanding of today's geopolitical world. Follow Jocelyn McLaren, a hard working, yet naive, visual artist who, through a twist of fate, ends up working for a major US defense contractor during the lead up to the Iraq war. Read the reviews and then read the series
Have you ever pondered the environmental health implications of today’s rapidly-evolving technologies? is at the forefront of safeguarding Earth’s natural biosphere, while preserving humanity in the face of the ongoing Synthetic Biology Revolution. Rachael introduces us to the emerging field of Bioethics.
Formed to protect and preserve the natural bios of Earth, is dedicated to ensuring that ethics and consent are integral when technology intersects or merges with organic life. Its vision is to raise the public’s situational awareness of potentially life altering technology. It monitors trends and offers a forum for critical analysis, education and support during today's Synthetic Biology Revolution.
"We took our children to the Engadine Valley for the mountain hiking vacation of a lifetime... The most memorable day, we walked from the village of Sils, up through the peaceful and mostly car-free Val-Fex, to the high meadows of Alp-Fex... "
How might you create stories with your family that they may someday tell their own families? Diane helps us find the words we didn’t know we had to connect and engage with one another and/or transform the lives of others we serve.
We all enjoy listening to good stories. Kids, in particular, love listening to adults tell stories about experiences that influenced their lives. Often these stories are about overcoming difficult times, and we may ask to hear these treasured stories again & again.
Halfway through high school, Neil began to dream of inspiring other young people to move from hopelessness to helpfulness and to find the path that leads from loneliness and inertia to friendship and difference making. He loved engaging with others in problem solving.
Pam has always had a calling to help people and to be part of healing this world, in which we must harmoniously co-exist to create a better earth for all of us. She has been involved in many community endeavors to help preserve forests, the rights of others and food security.
Sure enough, we found a car with the number 007 attached to the windshield. The driver stepped out and introduced himself, with a heavy Russian accent... It felt as if we had stepped into the pages of a James Bond spy novel.
Wise food choices influence our health, how we feel and how we care for our planet. With gratitude we acknowledge that the simplest of foods require few resources to produce and are considered the healthiest and most abundant – fruits, vegetables, whole-grains and plant-based proteins.
Maria planted the seed of AMOR after teaching high school in Charleston County. Her love for plant-based food, local farming, working with teenagers and supporting people challenged with serious illness forms the foundation of her organization.
I was out Story Walking in early November, thinking about my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving. That was the day I found a Thanksgiving pop-up greeting card, lying on the ground. So perfect!
Roy monitors local water bodies for water quality and focuses on prevention and awareness regarding Cyanobacteria Blooms.
Go on a green infrastructure walking tour, get involved in community science, paint a rain barrel, attend the Rain Harvest Festival, learn how to identify cyanobacteria.
Rebecca is responsible for professional training, school programming, community outreach and events. She builds public awareness around how stormwater issues relate to native habitat and wildlife.
In her new book, bestselling author Maria Rodale shares her deeply empathic relationship with the plants, animals and insects that inhabit her world. These magical stories impart valuable messages for all humankind. In this episode she will share her experience writing the book, as well as some of her stories, life lessons and wisdom.
Maria is also an activist, board member and former co-chair of the Rodale Institute, dedicated to growing the regenerative organic agriculture movement through research, farmer training and education.
This delightful series of board books celebrates the joy nature brings to young children at home and in the backyard, from fresh fruits and vegetables to birds, bugs, flowers and trees. From A to Z, these bold colorful pages will enchant toddlers and inspire the youngest of budding environmentalists and curious scientists.
Tapping into Nature's loving vibes, the Story Walking Radio Hour draws attention to the most pressing environmental issues by sharing real life stories of awakening and problem solving. Over 50 episodes spotlight Inspirational problem solvers and proven actions, as well as valuable resources and supportive networks.
Typically, each episode begins with one of Wendy's personal Story Walking stories, to set the stage for the guest portion of the show. Down below is a partial list of podcasts. For a complete listing and free access to past podcasts, go to the Story Walking Radio Hour archives on the Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network website. Submit questions and share comments in the section at the bottom of each podcast page.
Featuring Emily Koo, Sustainability Strategy Manager in the City of Providence’s Office of Sustainability, and Lee Ann Freitas, Director of the Roger Williams Park Botanical Center
Graham Towerton, Permaculture Designer and Design Team Leader, Food Forest Abundance
Audra Lavoie, Career Education Specialist, University of Rhode Island Life
Beth Newberry, Diamond Ambassador, Pure Haven
Featuring Lizzy Elsner and Sethu Odayappan, Co-founders, Tree-Plenish
Featuring Amy DuFault, Sustainable Fashion Journalist & Organizer, Southeastern New England Fibershed
Featuring Ryan Bouchard and Emily Schmidt, Co-Founders, Mushroom Hunting Foundation
Featuring Katrina Blair, Founder of Turtle Lake Refuge and Author of The Wild Wisdom of the Weeds
Featuring John Marsland, founder and President of the Blackstone River Watershed Council, and Dr. Wallace J. Nichols, marine biologist and author of Blue Mind
Visit our archives pages at the Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network website to find lots more SWRH podcasts.
Listen as Wendy tells a personal story about her encounter with a bee and a spider and how they spoke to her through their actions. Animals have remarkable ways of communicating with humans, if humans are aware and open to receiving.
Find out why raising native bees is easier, less costly and more productive for crops than raising honey bees. Native bees are far more critical to pollinating and propagating our food supply than honey bees.
Hear how Susannah developed her deep connection with the seasonal cycles of the earth and native bees. Learn best practices for native bee keeping and find the best materials and information resources.
Dan Kittredge, Executive Director of the Bionutrient Food Association talks about "Spoil Science and Bionutrition." this episode presents a story walk through a commercial composting operation and goes on to explore the direct connection between nutrient-rich soil and nutrient-rich food.
Owen Wormser, Landscape Designer at Abound Design, and Author of Lawns into Meadows explains how to replace the deadscape, called lawn, with beautiful low-maintenance meadows that sequester far more carbon than a lawn. Meadow gardening helps rebuilding biodiversity.
Dani Baker, Permaculture Educator, Owner of the Edible Enchanted Forest and Author of The Home-Scale Forest Garden describes forest gardening as a method of agriculture which “requires careful planning and a strong understanding of beneficial inter-species relationships.”
Wendy helps listeners tune in to Nature's loving vibes through stories about spiritual story walking. The most renowned Transcendentalist writers, Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson, emphasized the idea of human harmony with Nature; Nature can improve us spiritually, help us connect to the rest of the world, and bring us closer to Oneness.
Barbara's spiritual activism is strengthened by her Belief that changing the world begins with changing ourselves and living our principles and values. She is committed to Oneness and leads online classes and outside ceremonies and services at local beaches, parks and farms; without walls or borders, honoring nature as our spiritual temple.
Kristina's work centers around the belief that our connection to each other and nature is critical to our physical, emotional and spiritual health. She offers educational resources, workshops and individual homeopathic assessments for people, pets and plants. Homeopathy uses the energies of natural substances to stimulate the natural healing processes.
This November 2019 episode sheds light on tobacco marketing and its effect on our environment, health, society and young people. Bob discusses the social and emotional climate within which teenagers lived before the pandemic. His message holds even greater relevance today.
In Memory: Bob devoted 40 years to the Town of East Greenwich as its Director of Substance Abuse Prevention and Mental Health Services. He was also President of the East Greenwich Academy Foundation and podcast host of "Still Here," highlighting the work of Compassionate Friends.
"You are carrying a small litter collection bag and place the cigarette box inside it. Walking on, we find several crushed and empty Marlboro cigarette boxes... and a ratty copy of a United Health newsletter, dated Fall 2010. By coincidence, the feature article is titled 'kids and smoking'.”
The Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network (D7RN) serves the planet through the vibration of voice. The Network is a station fostering unity, love and planet consciousness. From an interconnected mindset, hosts, guests and listeners share the belief that when we utilize our life purpose to serve others, we nourish ourselves and contribute to all life on this Planet. The Story Walking Radio Hour is listed under the network's Sustainable Living tab. All shows are syndicated to other stations and platforms, including itunes, Spotify, spreaker, iheartradio and others. The audience is local, national and international.
Are you an innovator in the field of sustainability? Do you represent an environmental organization or cause? Do you have an enlightening environmental message to share, actionable ideas to articulate and educational resources to promote? Resources may include books, curriculum guides, videos, websites, blogs, presentations, workshops or conferences. Visit our archives page to peruse the names, organizations and backgrounds of past guests. Listen to previous interviews and imagine yourself as the guest.
The episode will air a minimum of eight times during the month following production - every Monday at 9am and 9pm EST. Within the month you will have over 6,000 listeners through the D7RN station. The podcast is saved on the D7RN Host Archive page, on iTunes and on many other affiliate networks, where it becomes an ongoing resource. The Guest can share the show anytime, anywhere. Podcasts are currently averaging 450 downloads and this continues to grow.
Wendy requires a 15-30 minute phone call to plan the interview, so that it meets the goals of the guest, as well as those of the show. On an appointed day and time, the Guest dials in to the station by phone to connect with Wendy and record the episode. The interview is completed within two 14-minute segments. To apply for a guest spot, go to
Yes, absolutely! Time will be set aside during the show segment for guests to promote their product or service and website. D7RN also offers special advertising audio commercial bundles and will work with your business to co-create and customize. Learn more.
We love our listeners and supporters, and we appreciate all the good you for for our world.
"I stepped outside with a childlike awareness, and Nature offered to become my storytelling teacher. No other can speak earth quite the way Nature can, however, you must take the time to listen... here is some of what I learned."
Tania is a podcast producer, writer, researcher, and network builder. In this episode we talk about podcasting, Tania's environmental network building initiatives and her collaborative work with the Carbon Almanac, a rich resource for educators.
Talaterra has created a unique space for independent environmental professionals to connect and learn from each other, while also fostering an understanding of how these educators work within their communities and contribute to lifelong learning.
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